Red Bamboo
Red Bamboo is a fun veg restaurant on W 4th St. They're heavy on the mock meat, but it's some of the best mock meat I've ever had. I think they commit the same sin that many other restaurants do with mock meat -- they try to compensate for something they think is missing (meat, I guess?) by using too much sauce. Their tandoori "chicken" and citrus "beef" are both super-yummy, but do yourself a favor and ask them to go light on the sauce.
I was there for lunch today, and I wanted something "light." I had forgotten that pretty much nothing they have is "light."
I had the dijon "chicken" cutlet sandwich. I think it was actually the worst thing I've ever had there. It was way too greasy and fried for me (see it glistening?!?), and there was so much dijon sauce on it that it was ridiculously messy -- you definitely can't eat it while you knit. I mean, if that's the kind of thing you would want to do. Which you probably wouldn't.
And here's a salad. The fluorescent dressing (yes, there IS enough of it for ten salads!) is carrot ginger. It was really bad...sickeningly sweet, with neither carrot nor ginger flavor.
They helpfully label the things on the menu that aren't vegan. Oh, and there's a bonus: they have vegan fortune cookies!
By the way, I have been eating lately, but I've been forgetting to take pictures and post them. But I did find this neat website:
Among other things, it let's you search for vegan restaurants in NYC, according to the level of vegan-ness you want!